Janet Wineman
After graduating from the University of Colorado, I served in the ministry of Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) for 22 years, ministering to college students and business professionals.
I completed a two-year program and received a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Denver Seminary (2002); and later earned a Masters in Christian Formation and Soul Care, also from Denver Seminary (2009). In addition, I have completed a three-year program (earning another certificate) in Spiritual Direction from the Lanteri Center for Ignatian Spirituality (2013); and received further training to accompany individuals praying with the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises (2015). I attend Flatirons Community Church.
I am grateful to be married to my husband and like and love he and our three young adult children. Another aspect of my preparation for this ministry is experiencing some of life’s joys and sorrows. I feel called to and enjoy offering spiritual direction, and I practice this ministry as a part of Christian formation and transformation for myself and fellow Christ-followers.
Contact me: janet@presencespiritualdirection.com