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Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is a ministry of being fully and prayerfully present with another person as he or she seeks God amidst everyday life. It is a welcoming, confidential, and safe place to explore one’s human questions, concerns, doubts, struggles, and joys of life with God.  Christian spiritual direction is a ministry grounded in biblical principles that helps an individual live into one’s calling as a follower of Christ.  It can be vital for all who desire to continue in their faith journey in the process of transformation into Christ-likeness. Occurring in the early Church and throughout the history of the Church, spiritual direction is a way to enter into one’s inner spiritual life with God.

Janet Wineman

Welcome and thank you for your interest in spiritual direction.  After being a Christian for many years, I became restless in my faith.  The ways that I approached God that served me so well for so long were not as meaningful.  I possessed a strong biblical foundation and an intellectual faith that are formative and essential, yet I realized that I was not experiencing the level of relational intimacy with God that I desired and observed in others.  Some have described what I was experiencing as having a head but not a heart relationship with God.  Spiritual direction is a relational practice that has helped me to relate to God more holistically with both my mind and my emotions.

“Spiritual Direction for me is bringing my experiences of God in my daily and spiritual life to my Director for wisdom, clarity, concern, and God's forward leaning love in my life. I bring them to the surface to be shared and looked at clearly from another’s perspective so that God may reveal even deeper understanding and love in my life.”  


- Elaine H.


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